Meat Industry Services

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CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences: Meat Industry Services

Operation of Spreadsheet to calculate rendering yields

The spreadsheet "protein_calc.xls" is designed to predict rendering yields from beef kills. The objective of the spreadsheet is to illustrate the protein content and yield of meat meal available from rendering segregated raw materials. The spreadsheet predicts the yield and protein content of meat meal available from different combinations of raw materials. The combinations are:

  • slaughter floor soft offals,
  • slaughter floor plus boning room soft material,
  • all slaughter floor material,
  • all slaughter floor material plus boning room soft material and
  • all available material.

To use the spreadsheet:

  1. Enter the kill numbers in cells D4 to D9. Adjust the typical carcass weight of the different types of stock in cells C4 to C9. The number 1 can be entered in one of the cells from D4 to D9 to find the yield per head.
  2. Enter the percentage of each type of raw material that is consigned to rendering in cells G4 to G14 and I4 to I14. For example if paunches are generally saved for edible use but 30% are condemned, enter 30 in cell I5. Enter the percentage of fat and bone available in cells I13 and I14. If 20% of carcases are dispatched as bone in product, the available fat and bone is 80%.
  3. The predicted yield of meat meal is now shown in cell C21 and the predicted yield of tallow is in cell I21.
  4. Cells C17 to C20, G17 to G20 and I17 to I20 show yields available from the various combinations of raw material.

It is intended that adjustments to kill numbers, carcase weights and percentage of raw materials sent for rendering should be easily adjusted. Other adjustments to the yield of various raw materials and the chemical composition of raw material can be made to fine tune the predicted yields to suit different circumstance e.g. offal yields and composition may be different for North Queensland compared with Victoria.

If you have comments about the spreadsheet or would like to make fine tuning adjustments, please contact:

Bill Spooncer
Tel: 02 4567 7952
Fax: 02 4567 8952


Bill Spooncer of CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences developed the spreadsheet with support from Meat and Livestock Australia and the Australian Meat Processor Corporation.

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